
How to Make Money Writing from home

How to Make Money Writing from home


Working from home does not mean you have to keep the same hours as in your old office job. A lot of work-from-home jobs are freelance, which means you will be your own boss and set your own hours. Here are some ideas for those who want to make money while maintaining a more flexible schedule:

1. Blogger

  • What is a blog?

A blog is an online journal where you can post your thoughts, articles, photos, etc. It’s basically like a website but it doesn’t need to be fancy or have lots of bells and whistles.

  • How do I start a blog?

You can use free platforms like WordPress or Blogger. You will also need to choose a domain name (like If you have technical skills, you can build your own site using HTML/CSS or hire someone on Fiverr ($5) to create the template for you.

  • How much money do bloggers make? The average blogger makes anywhere from $0-$100 per month through ad revenue and affiliate links (I make around $100 a month). But some bloggers earn much more than that (like Michelle who earns over $12k per month!). This really depends on how dedicated you are to writing content consistently each week!

2. Freelance writer

If you're really serious about making money writing from home, consider freelancing. There are a lot of freelance writing platforms out there and they offer a variety of services. You can sign up with them and then find clients to work for.

You'll have to make sure that you have a good portfolio before beginning this job because it's important that clients trust your skill as a writer. You also need to be able to deliver on time and meet deadlines. Finally, make sure that you're good at communicating with clients throughout the project because this is key for any freelance business relationship with happy customers in the end (and more money!).

3. Editor or proofreader

As an editor or proofreader, you'll be tasked with reading through content to ensure that it meets the standards of a company or publication. You'll check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Depending on the role you take on, you may also need to check facts (like whether there are preservatives in your sandwich), make sure that text is written in accordance with publisher guidelines, and make sure that technical elements such as images are appropriately placed within the article.

Becoming an editor or proofreader requires a bachelor's degree (or higher) and many companies will have additional requirements depending on what position they're hiring for. If you're looking for work as an editor or proofreader there are plenty of places online where this type of freelance work can be found; however, pay rates vary from site to site so shop around!

4. Copywriter

A copywriter is a person who writes advertising text that sells goods and services. Copywriters write for a variety of purposes, including print media, television commercials, radio ads, sales letters, and web pages. The skills required to be a copywriter include excellent writing ability, persuasive speaking skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. A bachelor's degree in English or communications is necessary for most entry-level positions as well as several years of experience writing advertisements or marketing materials.

The average salary range for a copywriter is between approximately $47k-$68k per year depending on location and experience level. Depending on the type of company you're working for there may be other perks such as vacation time allotted per year (i.e.: 2 weeks), health insurance coverage paid through your employer, etc...

5. Resume writer

Resume writers are the people who write resumes. If you have a resume, it was likely written by a resume writer. Resumes don't need to be long—in fact, they're often easier to read when they're short and sweet! Resumes also need to be grammatically correct, so that's where most of the work comes in for this position. You may have heard about a “resume builder” tool on some job sites; these tools are designed for people who do not know how to write their own resumes but still want them published somewhere online so potential employers can see them (and hopefully contact them).

Resume writers are typically paid per hour or per word depending on what kind of resume they're writing and whether or not it's been revised by another person first (like an editor). Some companies will ask you how many words your final product should be before hiring someone so that they know exactly how much money they'll spend on hiring someone like yourself!

6. Grant writer

Being a grant writer means you actually have to be good at writing. This is because most of your job will involve writing proposals for grants, which means that if you can't write clearly, concisely, and persuasively, then you won't get the job done.

Grant writers also need to be able to find and analyze relevant information quickly. They must be able to work in teams as well as independently and in turn with other government officials including lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors.

7. Transcriptionist

Transcriptionists are a group of people who listen to audio recordings and write them down. They're needed for many different types of recordings, such as legal records and medical records. Some transcriptionists work from home while others work in an office setting.

8. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant (VA) is an independent contractor who provides administrative, technical, or creative services for a fee. You might think of them as the digital version of a personal assistant: they handle tasks on behalf of clients remotely, often through email and phone calls.

The requirements to become a VA vary depending on what you want to do for work. In general, it's good to have excellent computer skills and be able to communicate well in writing—whether through email or formal letters—as well as verbally over the phone. If you're interested in working remotely with various clients around the world, then having fluency in more than one language could be helpful too.

There are many pros and cons when it comes to being a virtual assistant (VA). On one hand, this type of work gives you flexible scheduling options because you can choose when and where you want to work without worrying about commuting costs or fitting into someone else's schedule while still managing your own finances very closely.

There are many jobs you can do from home

Applying for jobs, Once you've found a job posting, you'll need to apply for it through whatever process they require. Many companies will have applications available online, but some may just want a resume and cover letter sent by email or post. If they want additional information, such as references or test scores (or video game skills), make sure that's included in your application. The more effort put in from the beginning, the better your chance of getting hired!* Negotiating salary and contracts: As mentioned earlier, there's not much room for negotiation when applying for a low-paying position with no benefits—but this isn't true for all jobs! Negotiating contracts with companies is also important because some have strict requirements about working hours or locations where employees must reside.* Negotiating schedule changes/flexibility: Working from home gives people tons of flexibility in terms of scheduling commitments outside work hours; however, if an employer wants someone who works 8am-5pm Monday through Friday without breaks then it might not be worth working remotely at all... unless they're willing to negotiate that part!


As you can see, there are many ways to make money writing from home. All you need to do is figure out which option works best for you. If you are passionate about writing, then you will be able to succeed as a writer regardless of the field. I hope this article has given you some good ideas that will help get your new freelance career off the ground!

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