
Netflix and YouTube will limit streaming quality for Europe

Netflix and YouTube will limit streaming quality in Europe

Netflix and YouTube will limit their streaming quality in the EU. These two companies took this decision at the request of the European Union. The European Union has asked both companies to reduce the load on their servers and reduce power consumption.

The use of both services has increased tremendously due to the Coronavirus outbreak worldwide, including in Europe.

People use these services a lot while staying at home.
Netflix says it will reduce data consumption by 25 percent, but that users will still have access to high-quality video streaming. Typically, watching an hour of video in standard definition (SD i.e. 480p) consumes 1 GB of data, while watching an hour of video in HD consumes 3 GB.

YouTube says their service has been under pressure for a while, but they've moved all traffic to SD streaming after a request from the European Union.

The two companies announced the broadcast restrictions after a phone call with Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internet Market, and the commissioner later commended the two companies for their quick action. He said that thanks to this initiative of the two companies, the internet will continue to work better during the Covid-19 crisis.

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