
Why more Pakistani students are choosing to study in Saudi Arabia

Why more Pakistani students are choosing to study in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has been an increasingly popular destination for Pakistani students in recent years, with a new campus being built every year to meet the demand from students wanting to further their education abroad. This increase in popularity isn’t surprising when you consider the range of scholarships and incentives available to students who study there, and the fact that learning Arabic will give them an edge in the job market once they return home. There are plenty of reasons why more Pakistani students are choosing to study in Saudi Arabia than ever before, and here we’ll look at some of the most important ones.


Study Abroad

Let’s face it—Pakistan and Saudi Arabia aren’t exactly on anyone’s top 10 list of countries they dream of studying in. That said, with their spectacular natural beauty, booming economies, and affordable tuition fees (compared to what you might pay at an American or European university), these two countries make for popular study abroad destinations for those brave enough to head east. To be sure, both countries have a reputation for being off-limits: Pakistan is infamous for being conservative (particularly when it comes to women) while women face severe restrictions in Saudi Arabia. Despite these obstacles, however, over 300 students from each country have successfully studied abroad at KFUPM since 1991.


What makes Saudi Arabia an attractive destination?

It is no secret that Pakistan is a country of great diversity, offering a plethora of cultures and traditions. Similarly, there is no dearth of academic institutions across Pakistan. In fact, it has been estimated that there are over 3,000 universities and degree-awarding institutes scattered all across Pakistan. However, according to sources, only half of them possess accreditation from provincial authorities or government regulators such as Higher Education Commission (HEC) while just 6% have been accredited by global bodies like ACQUIN (Arabian Quality Assurance Network). At present, thousands of university graduates in Pakistan do not possess degrees recognized outside their regional boundaries.


Saudi Arabia's Attractive Study Opportunities

Saudi Arabia has become a popular destination for international students, who are attracted by its advanced facilities and world-class education. More than 500 international universities from 20 countries worldwide have set up branches or campuses in Saudi Arabia, offering graduate and undergraduate degrees, as well as master's programs. For example, The American University of Madinah offers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs across multiple disciplines including engineering management and finance. It is located on 641 acres with seven distinctive colleges including Shariah (Islamic Law), medicine, business administration, and architecture.


Expat Community

If you’re going abroad for school, chances are you’ll be among a number of other international students at your university. These communities can be amazing—they foster a feeling of home, help teach you how to adapt, and provide an instant circle of friends. That said, it’s still important that you learn how to live by yourself if you want real growth as an individual. Connecting with locals is a great way to broaden your understanding of the country and culture—and there will always be plenty who don’t speak English well enough to get through the class with your classmates. Join student organizations and immerse yourself in local life. You might even find a part-time job or two while you're at it!


Funding Your Studies In Saudi Arabia

It is much easier for international students (especially from South Asia) to find scholarships and funding when they go abroad. The government of Pakistan offers full scholarships through merit-based and need-based schemes, while many of Pakistan’s top private universities also offer merit-based scholarships exclusively for international students. Merit-based scholarship awards are usually on a per-semester basis and may cover your tuition fees as well as your living expenses. International applicants with superior academic records may also be eligible for need-based scholarships which typically cover only tuition fees. To be eligible for a Pakistani scholarship, you’ll need an education visa stamped into your passport that allows you to pursue full-time studies at an accredited educational institution in Saudi Arabia.


Safety And Security In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Students heading off to universities around the world will often be surprised by just how different things can be compared with their home country. One of these differences is generally a high level of safety and security – but there are some exceptions. In recent years, universities in cities like London have suffered from numerous gang-related attacks on campuses. This isn’t a common occurrence, however; most countries have strict laws against public disorder and crime, and it’s rare for student accommodation not to feel completely safe throughout an entire university course. It may come as a surprise that one of these safe locations is actually Saudi Arabia; if you are interested in higher education abroad, why not head over there?


Cultural Adaptation

Studying abroad can be a great experience. For most of us, it marks an important rite of passage and we often look back fondly on our time spent learning about a new culture. That said, culture shock is common for those studying abroad in foreign countries and there is always an adjustment period when you move from one place to another. To make your transition as smooth as possible, here are four cultural tips that can help you better assimilate into your new environment.

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